Thursday, July 3, 2014

Door County Day Trip

The way we used to roll is no more.  We have decidedly and regularly left our first ginger menace home alone when we go for a weekend.   I don't feel a bit guilty in enjoying that freedom immensely.
Yes, we used to go to DooDoo and Nana's with Portos, Wallace, Ben, Jimmy, Me, Martin and all six of our things crammed in the subaru.  But Portos doesn't just ride along, his bed is set up luxuriously somewhere in the car.  Wallace wasn't outdone, he was free to roam so that the person in the passenger seat was constantly on Wallace patrol so he wouldn't get under the drivers feet.  I HATED that.  Now Wallace hangs out at home with four times the amount of food he needs while we all cram in the car for fun.  Good thing he is used to it because our destination was Sarah's house - a designated cat free zone especially with all that carpet that would love to soak up some cat dander.  They invited us over so they could send us out for our 5th anniversary.  It was originally going to be  a night away while they babysat.  It evolved into a nice dinner for Martin and me without kiddos with lots of quality Saaron time. 
My favorite thing to do when with company is to let others hold and watch my children while I let my mind wander into a daze.  Sarah did a great job with Jimmy.
The weather was amazing and they have a yard that is top notch, so we spent most of the first day chillin in the kiddie pool and looking around at all the planting they have done.  Those kids have been busy.  Now let's see if they keep up with the weeding ;)
Gryff loves water, Ben loves to spray anything and everything with the hose.  We found the perfect way for them both to get their fixes and none of us are bothered.

I don't know, does he like the bubbles?  Aaron went to the Dollar General and got a bag of cheapie goodies to entertain Ben.  Wonderful idea.  I think the bubbles were the best of the bunch.  And they were legit good bubbles.  The last couple batches I have purchased didn't really make too many bubbles, the bubble to blow ratio was not favorable.  These were stupendous.  I think generic bubbles win.
There is an amusement park near their house that my parents used to bring Sarah and me to when we were little chirruns.  Bay Beach.  Ben LOVED it.
The highlight for him was watching the bumper cars I think. But he had fun on the ferris wheel and helicopters and race cars too.
 Because all the cool kids are doing it we attempted a group selfie on the mini train that I have no idea how Aaron fit into, let alone squeezed in the seat next to Sarah.  I was cramped with Jimmy.

The next day was the expedition to Door County.  We arrived to Peninsula State Park with no plans and the water was frigid and Ben wanted to go in it so we quickly decided that a bike ride would be fun.  (We also have been tossing around the idea of getting these bike trailers so it was a good trial before buying anything)
While there are many fun things about spending time with Saaron, one of my favorite things is that they enjoy posing in my pictures.  Martin does not.  Ben is over it.  Jimmy, well once he is more aware of his surroundings will be like the other Felices men I imagine.
We had to prove to Ben that he was too small for Uncle Aaron's bike.
When there are three adults pestering even Martin will show some teeth for the camera.
But he mostly likes these broody side shots.
The weather literally could not have been nicer.  It was such an unexpected and pleasant surprise.  Oh.  And with my new job I have Mondays off, as does Sarah, so our trip was on a Sunday which really helped because the throngs of flatlanders had already headed back to Illinois.

I quote as he is running away from me at warp speed to the end of the dock "Cheese mommy with anchor" 
I guess shoe water isn't the tastiest.
Neither is ice cream.  Man these boys.
Thanks Saaron for the wonderful weekend!!

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