Monday, July 21, 2014


Not everyone can lead as leisurely of a life as Saaron.  One week they are vacationing in Boston, then in Montana and Minnesota.  Who can keep track of those guys?  Not I.  Luckily we have a nice international airport nearby so we get to see them occasionally.
The other bonus: they have great friends. 
We had some leftover fireworks from the 4th.  Well really they weren't left over.  Two other factors led us to having them.  1) we are cheap.  We waited until after the 4th to buy any.  2) where is no way we could compete, our neighbors put on a display that was like a cities, our little fountain and tanks were embarrassing next to those.  Anyway, Tall Skinny Ashleigh and her clan came over for dinner, then fireworks, then breakfast and lunch and cards and drinks and World Cup. . .
Ellie and Ben had met before and got along well,a nd didn't disappoint this time.  And she loved the swing.  I am going to document everyone and their love of the swing.
Ashleigh is craving babies right now so I pawned Jimmy off on her for her visits.
We let the little ones play with sparklers.  That is OK for a 2 year old right?

Even Gryff enjoyed the evening. 
The next day was serious business. . Argentina was playing in the finals of the World Cup.
We had to play outside before the game.  Ben couldn't get enough of Aaron.
I was in my usual position, holding Jimmy and giving in to his constant demand to eat.  He needs to keep those thighs plump.
Ben had an accident involving the corner of the wall the evening before - it isn't battle paint for the World Cup.
Gryff swam for three hours straight, then peed for one.
This picture is awkward.  and amazing.  Where are they looking?
The boys got to hang with their favorite local Auntie and Uncle.
And Uncle Aaron loved the swing.  So much.  so so much.  He has never been happier.  In his whole life.
Ben and our neighbor Sylvi were checking out fish.  They have become fast friends. 

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