Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Summer of 2015 in a nutshell

 When trying to catch up on the entire summer in one blog post I realize that it becomes very picture heavy and very content light, but really who cares what I have to say?  We did as much as we could and tried to infiltrate Saaron's world at every given opportunity.  With Sarah being pregnant and the impending lifestyle change we convincd them to come to Minnesota whenever we could and laid it on thick. Plus we wanted to see the ever growing Clementine in her belly :)  There is a little airport to the northwest of us from which we get to watch planes landing over the lake quite frequently.  They host a little festival every summer and I thought it would be fun to let the boys see the planes up close and personal since they both like to point them out as they soar over head.

 It was fun, but loud and I soon realized that loud isn't ideal for these two chirruns.   June started off rather chilly but soon we warmed right up into normal summer.
My job at a nonprofit does have perks.  Big businesses love a tax write off, non-profits take donations in any form.  Every year one of those is hundreds of Minnesota Twins Tickets.  We only went to three.

But since I am writing this in hindsight I can say that this summer was one of the top three glorious summers according to Meteorologist Paul Huttner on MPR news.  It rained overnight and only got to 90 degrees three times and never got cold.  It was amazing!!

We did our fair shar of playing in the lake and as the summer progressed our little lake front did too:

We went from a weedy rocky beach to having a dock and sand in one day thanks to our neighbor Andy.

It made hanging out down their much more exciting and we were out whenever we could.

 For Christmas Martin acquired a Kayak thanks to my first ever venture, along with Aaron, to a Black Friday sale at Menards.  It made it possible to go out as a family at one time on the water.

 Martin acquired a hammock for Fathers Day courtesy of the boys which was stationed in the shade adjacent to the dock and sand for excellent napping and occasional supervision of the young ones in the water.  Really, don't try, you fall asleep.

 And because Andy didn't feel our yard was quite complete he gave us a deal we couldn't refuse on a paddleboat to increase our fleet to three.
 One of my favorite things was watching Ben start to enjoy fishing.  I haven't given him a real hook yet, he gets to use a fishing pole with a toy tied to the end that he casts out and reels in but spends a good amount of time doing it.  Then because he did Jimmy did too. Then there were fights.  Now there are two fishing poles and several toys on the bottom of the lake for the historical record.
We also went over to Suamico to visit with Saaron to give them a little break (and to go to the Packer Pro Shop to buy baby presents for Clementine)

Bay Beach is the best amusement park that exists.  Tickets are $0.25 each.  Rides are sometimes only 1 ticket.  1 ticket.  What is only one ticket these days, let alone only $0.25 per ticket.  Love it love it love it. 

The best part about going to Green Bay not just for a Packer game or event is getting to have a completely empty Lambeau Leap wall to take pictures on.  Until Ben remembers he is scared of Mannequins that is. . . .
Saaron's house has a huge yard and gigantic sand box in the back yard.  They thought that it would make a great planter or raised bed garden but lo and behold, who was right.  What is still in the back yard with a new born baby. Sand always wins. 

Sometimes we just whipped out a sprinker in our yard or the neighbors and just let the kids play.  That is the beauty of a Top 3 Glorious summer, you don't need plans, you just need to be outdoors.

 The dentists of the family decided that combining CE and Duluth would be a great way to spend a weekend, so we did that.  I think I learned about Oral Surgery. . .

  We were shown the ropes by Duluth's #1 tour guide, Ali.  The Doctor showed up as well to add to the glory.  Park Point was discovered in summer and revealed to be just as epic when warm and sunny as it was when dark and snowy with green lights.

 I learned that Jimmy's toosh can not be contained.
 Carole Nana had Achilles surgery this summer, she didn't let sand dunes stop her or her crutches and walking cast.

 Shrinkage is real too.
 Sarah being 8 months pregnant was a real trooper too.  She wasn't feeling big at all.

 Random moments:  dual naps after a raging third birthday party.

 Post bath slap fights in Jimmys room.
 Ben is officially potty trained!!!!!!!  Jimmy thinks he is too. . . .

 Star Trek had a traveling exhibit at the Mall of America, who can pass that up!??!

 This summer was especially special to me because it was the first real summer in our neighborhood, last summer Jimmy was still such a little guy that we didn't venture out and about too much to take in what was offered.  There was a new event this summer at the park down the street where once a month there was a different musical performance at the shelter.  It was a huge hit with the community and fun to see everyone together like that. 

 We were purchasing participants on the East Coast / West Coast Fireworks Rivalry on Golden Lake.
 And one of my favorites with a Northeast view out of my window over the beautiful lake was knowing that I can see the Northern Lights from my back yard!  Truly glorious. 

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