Friday, January 20, 2012

Back to work, Wallace's new loves, Sick little Mino

First things first, Mino started getting a little fussy our last day in WI then it just increased.  A week later sure enough the little bugger was full blown sick with his first cold, what a way to usher in the new year.  We took him to the doctor where we learned that he (in three weeks) was now 14lbs 9 ounces.  The doc told us to wait it out, but that was a long two weeks and they were my first two weeks back to work :(  
Luckily Martin had one week of paternity leave left and Nana was willing to come to watch him for the second so that I could go to work and not send him to daycare.  I don't know if they would have even taken him.  Poor pitiful guy.  Then he got constipated on top of that.   And let me tell you, like mother like son, he does not like prune juice! The worst part about sick babies is that you can't tell them what to do to make them feel better.  His nose was really stuffed up, but we couldn't tell him to breathe through his mouth, he would just snort and snark while trying to breathe through his nose.  Then he gave it to Martin:
After not learning my lessons with the Badgers, we invited Kate and Claude over to watch the Packers in the playoffs.. . . and we all know how that went.  At least Nana is off the hook for being the bad luck curse for my team.  Mino likes the Pack though. .
So a little side about myself here. . . I started work on Jan 3, 2012 after getting notice that I was hired on May 26, 2011.  Granted I birthed a child midway in there, but still it did take a while.    I really like my new job, it seems like the facility is a step up for UCHC and the other dentists are all about my age and are all really nice so it seems to be a great fit!!   But needless to say it has been an adjustment going to work for 9 hour days (I know waaa waa waaaa) rather than my good old 8 before, and commuting on top of that, and having a baby at home.  I have been a pretty big slacker with pictures but got a couple cute ones.
Martin loves him a naked baby:
And I love me a baby in general:
Mino looks particularly cute now when he sleeps:
And the little guy is really not a fan of tummy time, but we managed to find a way to kind of get him to rest on his belly and use his neck muscles which makes for some new faces - crazy alien:
And side headed:
On that note we have kind of noticed, and you will too if you scroll back, that he really likes to tilt his head to the right.  When he was first born we thought it was because he had that huge bruise on the left side of his head, and that probably started it, but now it is evolved into a muscle discrepancy from one side to the other called Torticollis.  No biggie because he is really young and we are working on correcting it with proping him on his side at night and we have exercises for him, but cool to see something I learned about in Anatomy resurface.
I was able to get a picture that captures his eyes pretty well, he has these amazing eye lashes and bright blue eyes.  Little pumpkin:
And a new event in his life.  He likes sitting up looking around more.  He will throw a fit sometimes when we are holding him on our shoulders because he wants to see what is going on.  We whipped out the swing after a failed attempt about a month ago and he loves it now!  That and he is starting to grab things, he is just getting so talented. . 

And here he is passed out after a little too much milk:
And I am sure you noticed in the title something about Wallace.  He has developed a disturbing new habit that google informed me is him reaching out for attention since the baby is here, but poor Martin bears the brunt of it.  Here he is without Martin in bed, but don't be fooled, Martin is startled awake in the night with him doing this next to his head on the pillow.  Wallace also loves any of Mino's blankets and my University of Wisconsin blanket.  Poor guy.  We play with him even more now, but I think he enjoys this new little past time of his.  The worst is when he does this while looking at you.  Yes.  It is just plain wrong.

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