Friday, January 20, 2012

Daycare :(

Have I ever mentioned that I am glad to live in the digital age?!?!?  This was Mino's first week of daycare.  We had a practice day before he started (three weeks ago just prior to knowing he was sick) where he screamed the entire three and a half hours I left him there.  I walked in and one of the ladies said, "Oh, you are Benjamin's mom.  I held him the entire time you were gone."  He came home and slept for like 37 hours straight.
Anyway, I was dreading this like the plague but they make you feel good and take pictures of them during the day when they are not screaming and email them to you.  Thank goodness for that.  (I still called every day to check on him during my lunch hour though. . . )
Anyway, here is Mino at daycare.  There are a couple little ladies that just started there too, which maybe is why he is behaving a little better.

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