Saturday, January 21, 2012

Three Months Old

So after a flurry of activity yesterday I figured I would squeak one more out here.  So. . . .wee little Mino is THREE months old today.  
He was hungry for this months photoshoot so I didn't get any smiles, but I did managed to capture the shade change when he goes from content. . . 
To starting to get annoyed. . .. 
 To royally pissed. . ..   I would go so far as to say that color is in the purple family, it exceeds the red tones.
 Lucky for Mino, Martin was present for this months pictures and swooped in and rescued him before I could get some more angry baby pictures.  He is still looking at me like I am a nut job though.
And because this is a mom blog, here are some more cute pictures.  We are still in awe of how he comes out of the bath and looks cuter than ever and Martin and I emerge and, well lets just say, we have looked cuter.  He likes bath time, it makes him relax, and we only had to drain the tub once this week.  Yes I said week, we are not every day bathers here.  

I am not going to lie and say that I can't remember what life was like without him - because at 230 in the morning I remember that I used to sleep all night long - but I sure do like the change with him here.  It is so nice to come home from work to a little baby smiling in the crib up at you.  And to wake up to his cries only to walk in the room and see a little grin.  To have someone to cuddle with anytime you want - he really doesn't say no.  And to look at him when he is being extra cute and know that I made him.  And to look at him when he is mad (up above) and know that must be my personality coming out already.

1 comment:

  1. Happy three months, little guy! You are just the cutest! Can't wait to see you again!
