Sunday, March 11, 2012

How the CME affected us

Well, CME for the non NASA scientist was Coronal Mass Ejection that I was super excited about because we are at an appropriate lattitude to perhaps see Northern Lights. . however the nights where the flares were exceptional we had clouds so we didn't get to see anything.  However, we did have some fluke events that I would like to blame on the solar flares:

Portos became part werewolf and went after a bulldog that we always thought he liked because she looked like his lady friend Eloise, but really all the sounds he made when he saw her were because he wanted to eat her.  He ended up with two stitches, a blue cast/wrap and wounded pride because he was the attacker and ended up with the bite.  Mino is wearing his hat and mittens because our furnace went out.  Just in time for the heat wave here in MN.   Seriously, a heat wave in March.  The highs for the next week are about 30 degrees above normal!
With such warm weather we have been taking full advantage and introducing Wee Mino to the out of doors:
  He loves going for walks in his stroller, especially now that he can sit in there without the eggshell which means he gets to look around and see his neighborhood.  And this one is rare:

 A big momma and Mino shot.  And if you are wondering why this opening sequence has Mino constantly in hats. . here is why:

His little hair has gone wild!  He has two layers of hair right now, but still nothing on the sides.  Very strange.  As my good friend MacKenzie put it - he inherited my homeless hair.  Luckily, along with the homeless hair comes grease, so that wild do only lasts about 12 hours then it is completely slicked down until his next bath.   
Speaking of slick. . .
 Here is Mino doing his best New England pose.  He just looks like a frat boy in this one, I don't know if it is the appearance of the popped coller, or his steely stare, but he looks like a slick rick here.
 Daycare managed to capture some super cute pictures of him too. .

 You can almost hear him saying "Yeah, this book is waaaay to easy for me, I am Mino, come on."
 And for this weeks like father like son picture:
 The male Felices watching TV.  I know, I know, I try my darndest to not have Mino watch it, but if it is on he seeks it out.  He loves the sounds and colors.  Anyway. . until next time.

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