Friday, March 2, 2012

Leap Day Laughter.

Mino had his four month checkup this morning. . .he is officially 27 inches tall (.68m) and weighs 17lbs 4 oz (7.825 kilos) and his head is 44 centimeters around.  44 centimeters is nearly half a meter around.  That sounds gargantuan to me.  But I guess he is growing proportionately as he is 95% in height, 83% in weight and 85% in head circumference.  I just can't believe he is so tall.  On the note we got from the doctor it says that infant only car seats are only for babies 26-27 inches tall (I need to read the paperwork on ours. . ) but if that is the case the thing we thought would be good for him for one year is now too small!!!  Oh and we don't have a helmet yet. . .doc said that while his head is still askew we still have two months where we can get him to fix it on his own, if not he gets referred to the head shape guru at 6 months.  Anyway, that is mainly for bookkeeping for me.
On Leap Day - no we did not see Leap Day William (30 Rock anyone?) we did capture something else that is nearly as elusive. . .a Mino Chuckle!
Again, I applogize that this is sideweays.  I still haven't learned which way is up when I am filming things from my phone. . .it always rotates when I hold it to be the right way, but once things are on my computer they are all askew.

Anyhow, Mino went on a roadtrip down to LaCrosse, WI a couple weeks ago to meet his little homeslices Finn and Connor Davis.  They were 3 weeks old and adorable little peanuts.  Mino on the other hand is very large and in charge.  I brought my camera but for some reason didn't take a single picture of them together so I had to do some work but managed to come up with a really accurate representation of them all together.  I am not kidding, this is them to scale. . .
It was great to see Levi and Holly and Sarah and Nik and really weird that we were all holding babies and meeting up midday for lunch rather than it being a Friday night and drinks. .
The next weekend Mino went out to his first restaurant for dinner.  Martin and I had been holding off, we didn't want to be "those" people out to eat with a screaming child ruining dinner for everyone but with Granddude and Nana in town we thought maybe we could try and have an escape vehicle if things got too ugly, but he was fantastic!  Aside from breast milk and pear juice, he may try some other new beverages in the near future ;)
 Yeah, most of these photos are from the same day, I usually have a variety but not so much this time.  Like I said Granddude and Nana were here (Granddude changed his name from Grandpa after
a two week trip with a bunch of guys to the Bahamas - and personally - I think it fits a bit better. . .)

I particularly like the last picture in the above series.  Since Mino started painting last week he has really taken off with his artistic talent.  Now he likes to analyze the photos I take to make sure the composition is within his realm of standards.

 I just like the above picture because it looks like he is evil and plotting. . I know it is blurry but it may capture his future personality very well.  (If he becomes an evil businessman or something)
To help get his head to the appropriate shape the doc said "tummy time, tummy time tummy time, and when you think he has had enough. . . .MORE tummy time."  Photographic evidence that we were doing this before.  I love it when he lifts his head waay up because it looks like he is nearly a crawler.  Not even close though, the guy hasn't even rolled over yet.

 And because he is making so many funny faces now, I had to post this one.  I think that he is working out his face muscles because he just contorts his face all day and comes up with some doozies. . .
 He and Portos had a good week together.  My favorite time of day is walking in the door with him after I got him from daycare.  I have him in his eggshell, my purse with my lunch and loupes and water bottle inside, his bag from daycare, my pump bag. . .in other words a ton of crap.  I set him down and go put all the bags in a different spot.  Portos gets up from his little chair, runs over and sniffs Minos face and gives him a kiss.  It is so sweet, and it is every night.  They love each other now, that is until Mino figures out he can make Portos squeak by pulling his tail or ears.

Now for the travel news. . . first and foremost, Abuela is coming!  March 25th she gets her little part American grandchild all to herself for a week or two!  And we got our tickets to go to Argentina.  I am already fearing an overnight flight with him on our laps. . but he sleeps really well and with a little benadryl will sleep like an angel. ;)

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