Sunday, March 18, 2012

Roll out the barrel, or rather, Mino can roll like a barrel

I hope everyone had a fantastic St. Patty's day.  Here in MN/WI it was ridiculously hot outside.  I am talking in the 80s.  In March.  On St. Patty's day.  If this had been two years ago. . .   anyway .  . . Mino went a little wild with the milk this year
 Martin had a long weekend this week, and since I do every weekend we decided to drive to Clintonville to visit Nana and Grandude and force them to babysit for us so we could go out and have some fun.  Mino does pretty well in the car, he gets a little bored but that is about it.  Portos on the other hand has been struggling.  We spoil him (and Wallace) rotten so they do not know where they stand.  Minos car seat took Portos' usual spot behind the passenger seat.  When we go for the weekend we bring Wallace which means there goes the middle spot so the poor pathetic dog is allocated to sitting behind the driver.  Which he makes us know is unacceptable by refusing to lie down thereby getting himself car sick.  The way home we rearranged to make room for him so he would lie down.    
Pathetic dog.  He wiggled his head to where Minos feet are so he was getting kicked in the face for the whole drive.  Just making us pity him.  Anyway, who cares about our dog these days, on to Mino.
We went to visit Mindy while we were home, we managed to miss her every trip we were home since September, so needed to capitalize on her being home and no one being sick.  Her little dolls are almost 4 years and just over two months.

 Olivia's personality is just magnetic.   Get it? 
 Well after visiting these girls Mino started working on his lady killer skillz so he is ready to make his moves after he turns 18 and is allowed to date.  Here are a couple of his techniques we have caught him doing. .
"Alright alright alright."  This is his too cool for school pose.
"Why hello there."  Here is looks all innocent reclining in bed, waiting.
He also worked on his cuddling skillz with both humans and animals refining his techniques
And here is is cover photo.
 With all this warmth we have been able to expose his adorable little chubby thigh rolls for all the world to see.  I am pretty excited that we can go outside too, maybe we can cut down on those 5 pounds Portos (AKA Porkchop) packed on since the baby has been born.  See, I am not kidding, this dog is SPOILED.
 I saved the last little tidbit for last.  I have no documentation of this as it is still very sporadic, but Mino has finally started rolling!  He has done it two days in a row now, first time on St. Pattys and then again today.  Both times have been out of desperation because we made him do tummy time and he really wanted to be done.  He does this weird fall over onto one arm, flail and cry, then whoosh, he flips over.  Then he laughs.  Just adorable!  Go Mino, we are so proud of you.

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