Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spring!!!!! Finally

Spring is finally here.  Thank goodness.  We get to get out of the house!!!!!!!!!  Ben can run wild like a beast and use up some energy.  Jimmy can be held outside.   And eat leaves and twigs.  Thank goodness.  Nothing feels as good as spring after a winter of 40+ days below zero.
We have three kids that live next door and Ben will watch out the window for them, as soon as he sees one he yells their name and says "HEY!!  I'm up here.  I'M UP HERE" and continues on and on until we let him out to go play.  It is actually really cute, and their mom doesn't mind Ben's stalking either.
Jimmy is entertaining himself somewhat now, which is nice.  They key is not making eye contact with him when he is doing stuff like this and he will be happy for a long time, if he sees you and remembers he could be held or nurse then he will freak out.  Pterodactyl style.  He is the BeeGee's long lost fourth member.
We have been spending time at the dog park - because whether he wants to or not - Portos needs to go for a walk a few times a year.
But mostly he does this.
Ben likes to explore and isn't scared to be on his own.  He will venture off so it is important to always keep and eye on him.  Always.  I turned my head at the Mall of America to look at a boot and back and he was gone.  Gone.  Running as fast as he could away from me using evasive maneuvering to elude me.  People we watching him and looking around to see who he belonged to.  He is fast. Really fast. 

Jimmy enjoys the Vitamin D.  I was really good for two months at giving that to him, then RSV happened and it has been two months since he got a dropper full.  Whoops.
Living close to the Mississippi river and on water with large marshlands and parkland nearby means we have a lot of birds.  And I noticed their beauty for the first time this year.  A bit obsessively, I will admit.  You know it is bad when Ben starts doing this then saying "NO!! I don't want bird.  Go away bird."
I casually peruse Craigslist looking for things that I want but don't need enough to go buy.  A canoe is one of those things.  We don't have a dock yet, wanted to get a garden going, have two kids who can't swim, so didn't see it as a top priority and they are pricey, even on Craigslist.  Nothing screamed at me.  Then I went to Menards.  And now we have a boat.  Ben LOVES it.

These next two pictures are in reverse order, Jimmy really likes water, enjoys bathtime.  What baby doesn't really.  But he doesn't mind getting water on his head or splashing in his eyes.  He literally was hypnotized but the faucet.  Needless to say I couldn't wait until summer for him to sit in our lake.  The deadfish and algae growth from 50 years of yard chemicals are currently prohibiting our beach from being used, so next best was kiddie pool.

Nana has been coming to visit and taught me some of her bird knowledge. 
The kids next door have great outdoor toys.  This is Ben's favorite.  Sometimes he runs out because the kids are out and that means he can play with their toys.  He doesnt' talk to them, just steals their lawnmower.
He takes his love of yogurt to the next level.

For my birthday I realized my dream of having my boys bathe together.  Bad idea to put inflatable bathtub in other bathtub filled with water with rambunctious two year old - FYI.  No one was injured.
 He is getting so big.
We all are.  Hopefully soon I will get a bit smaller.  This below is what I hope is the first of many family portraits in our yard on my birthday.
32 was solid.  33 bring it on.

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