Thursday, October 2, 2014

10 months and 2 teeth.

OK, two more months.  Two more months.  You can do it big mama.  Two more months.  I am the latest as I have ever been at updating the wee one's monthly stats.  Here it is though.  O and P have their little incisal edges poking through the gingiva on the lower.  Two new tubes have been installed in his ears.  Twice daily nebulizations are taking place for his terrible sounding cough and wheezing.  And yet he is happy.  Happy happy happy.  And sleeping in our bed.   Still.  His newborn phase we were really good about it, but alas now that he is nearly a toddler he is in our bed. He loves to be the crossbar of the H.

On the 15th we went to Children's Hospital in St. Paul to get ear tubes.  He has had an ear infection pretty much constantly since Memorial Day weekend, our PCP recommended checking in with the ENT who said he did have hearing loss and after needing Augmentin to start clearing his infections and fevers we decided that we should do the surgery.  It was touch and go for a while as he threw his highest fever yet the two days just before his surgery, but he managed to keep it at a low grade of 101 for the day of the surgery so it was a go.  The fastest thing in the world.  He definitely was sore afterward, he was pulling at one of his ears for a day or two but we have successfully gotten a cold and another URI and not gotten a fever.  He had a crusty ear which tells me the tubes are working and stuff is getting drained.  I didn't get a picture of him in his little hospital garb.

Jimmy loves his brother, and vice versa.  Ben and Jimmy have crawl races down the hallway.  Then Ben gets mad and grabs all his toys away from Jimmy's reach.  Jimmy laughs at him and loves him so.  He is walking along the furniture and speed crawling but has yet to take a step.  Good.  I want him to stay put.  He crawled up his first flight of stairs the other day, with  my behind him of course, but he is smart.  And still possesses his freakish strength and unusally dexterous feet.  Odd little fellow.   Oh.  And he squeals a lot.  Check this out:

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