Sunday, October 19, 2014

One month shy of one year.

We are almost there, almost had our "little" guy for a year.  I remember very vividly these days last year when I was terrified I was going to be in labor and miss Ben's birthday, oh how very wrong I was. 

The little widget wasn't loving the outdoors for this, so not too many smiles.  We taught him a new trick, or I guess as parent's say, he reached a new milestone.  His first words:  Uh oh!  We were driving over to WI this weekend to celebrate Ben's birthday and Ben said that and Jimmy instantly repeated him.  Then for the next 20 minutes they were just saying Uh Oh! to one another. And laughing.   And clapping.  He will repeat it any time, then you say "Jimmy say mama!!"  And he stares blankly.  You spill something and say Uh oh, and the tiny voice on the other side of the room says Uh Oh then applaud his greatness.  Based on Martin's fantasy performance this season we are lucky it isn't other 4 letter combinations. . . .
He is sooooooooooo close to walking, he will stand there on his own, then applaud his greatness, then try to walk but usually falls face first.  Good, not ready for him to do that yet.  We did get the gates installed, but still, not ready to have him walking.  His teeth are in even father on the bottom:
But he isn't drawing blood yet whilst nursing so that has yet to stop.  Food is a favorite past time, we had pancakes for breakfast and I ate the most, followed by Jimmy, then Ben. 

We went to go check out a pumpkin patch in Wisco as well, and had some good old fashioned fall fun.

It was small, the "patch" was really someone's yard with good priced pumpkins sitting on it in nice decorative rows, but it was cute.  Honestly, with everyone's moods it was probably for the best.  And Ben got a pumpking cookie, so all was right with the world.
Jimmy loves to pull the magazines and had an American Beauty moment with them:
 There must be Fire Safety week in October or something as Ben learned the infamous "Stop, Drop and Roll" at daycare and shows us every day how to do it, and the firestation in town had an open house.  They pulled out all the stops - fire trucks, car fire demonstrations, Jaws of Life being used in a demo
 The Flight for Life showed up and let people crawl around
 Fire hoses were set up for kiddos to practis putting out fires on burning houses.  Over all way cooler than I could have anticipated.
 This fall has been beyond picturesque, Nana and DooDoo came to visit while Martin was in Boston at a wedding and we walked around trying to find some cool stragling migrant birds.
 And Jimmy learned to climb, he can go up stairs and over things and into dishwashers. . .

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