Thursday, October 23, 2014


What a little man he is too.  He learned about manners at daycare so says "Thank you mommy for cooking tonight."   He likes to take off his own shoes and likes to pick out his shirts.  He is a hoarder.  He comes to it naturally but will carry as much as he possibly can with him when he is supposed to go brush his teeth or help his dad in the car.

He loves the movie "Mr. Incredibles" and all things Ninja Turtle (Thanks Uncle Aaron for that one.)  And Batman.  He learned that eating vegetables gives him big muscles so whenever he does anything he talks about his big muscles but has his father's taste for veges.  He learned what shy meant and whenever we are in public he acts the part then comes home and talks about how shy he was.  He loves to run as fast as he can and calls himself Dash.  He needs his "Frozone Agua" at night  -  a sippy cup with ice cubes.  He learned how to tug at heart strings and yell "I want my daddy" as you are trying to walk out of his room at night in the most pitiful and pathetic little voice.  He listens to EVERY SINGLE word we say, so we have to be careful.  He repeats choice phrases back at us that we use with him "Don't talk to me like that Mommy!"  His favorite book right now is a picture book about Boston where he has to find different animals from Franklin Park Zoo that escaped into the city.   He gets scared very easily so we have to be very careful when we have the TV on.  He likes to wear socks.   He likes to take baths with his brother then flip himself into Jimmy's crib and wrestle with him before going to bed at night.  His favorite snacks are babybel cheese and cheddar bunnies.  He knows it is a special occasion when he gets hot cocoa in the morning to watch cartoons.
Look at that cheeseball chocolate grin.

 He is a little lover (unless he is hungry, then watch out.)  He has been in a daddy phase for the last year but loves us all.  He gives everyone in the house a hug and kiss before heading into his room to read stories before bed.  He likes to get his haircut.
Our little Benjarvis Green Bellies is three.

The above are from his birthday party in Clintonville, he couldn't quite get the concept of blowing onto the candle down.  Martin jumped in at the end to help him.  And while he is three, he ate only the frosting off his cake and made it look as if he got a smash cake again.
 He got the blow perfected for his actual birthday.

 Goofball.  We love you!

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