Thursday, October 2, 2014

Early Fall Adventures

Ben was invited to his first birthday party for one of the kids he goes to daycare with.  They had it at one of these places which I never knew existed.  Indoor inflateable bounce house play yards.  It was actually pretty fun.  We all went.  Talk about party crashing. Nothing like a 3 year old birthday party.

Ben and Jimmy have really been getting along.  Ben will flip his lid if Jimmy touches any of his things, and boy does Ben have things.  Martin calls him his little hoarder.  Whenever he moves from room to room he has to bring every possible possession he currently cares about with him, to brush his teeth, to change his diaper (yes his diaper - more on that after I leave this tangent), to eat.  God forbid Jimmy touch his dinosaur sticker or big frog. 

 We have been trying to enjoy the fall weather as best we can before the season whose name must not be spoken arrives.  We all know.  Winter is coming.  The wagon is good unless Ben has a pinecone or acorn or some hoarded item because Jimmy faces him and tries to grab it from him.
 We have been exploring the trails by our house.
 Dining at the Texas Roadhouse, where the ambiance can not be beat according to Martin.  Trial by fire, Jimmy is not allergic to peanuts.
 We went to Stillwater for lunch and Ben got the biggest PB& J I have ever seen in my life.
 We saw the lift bridge lift which I have never seen.
 We've gone to the park down the street to enjoy the new equipment.
 The light was coming in and Jimmy was trying to taste it and laughing at his hand when it looked so funny.  Then Ben got in on the action.
 It is rare that Ben gives a normal smile, this is not normal, but it is less weird than most.

 Jimmy likes Chicken Bones!
Sarah came and we went to a CE together (we can gas people now) and we took advantage of our 80 degree weather and went to Taylor's Falls for a little boat adventure.

 Family Picture Fail.
We attempted a day without a diaper with Ben after a day at daycare when I picked him up and the director told me he had gone potty in the toilet and he wasn't currently wearing a diaper.  I was excited, he was concerned because his pants were too loose.  A few days later we talked and talked and talked to him and got him dressed without his diaper.  He walked out to the porch and peed then screamed because he had peed, and walked, all over.  I cleaned it up, talked to him to let me know and we can go to the potty and he agreed.  45 minutes later, sitting at the table, Martin smells poop.  We attempt to get him to the bathroom and Ben proclaims "It dropped!!!!"  The poop.  Dropped.  All down his leg.  We got the pants off with poop from anus to heel on the poor boy.  And he peed.  We put a diaper on him for the rest of the day.  He didn't seem too concerned but did tell my mom the next day about getting poop on his leg.  Love that kid.

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