Friday, November 6, 2015

Baby Wolfklaw had her fetile debutante ball here in MN

Little Clementine was one popular broad whilst still in her warm internal location.  We had half the state of Wisconsin in our backyard to welcome her and shower her parents with gifts.  I don't begin to pretend that I can take pictures of food. See Exhibit A

Exhibit A:
My best friend Robbie and Lisa and Mason made the trek and hit up every zoo or zoo like enclosure in the upper midwest.  They really enjoyed it, but the crowds. . .not so much. 
We had a table to decorate outfits for the little lady when she emerged. 

 Anatomically correct bag toss game, pregnancy themed.

 Clem was trying on outfits to see how her hips looked, she approved of this one.
 Seriously, good turn out.  Good thing we jumped on the festival weekend as everyone here was headed to a wedding not too far away just after. . .
 Look at them.  Which one is not related.  RED!!!

 Other babies came.  Lil' Jimmy had a solid case of hand foot and mouth disease so was banished from the party due to the multiple pregos and under 1 set.  Luckily he was tired and slept through the whole shebang.
There was a host of preggos at the party, they got prime seating in the shade. 

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