Friday, November 6, 2015

Vaca week in Townsend

Jimmy had to get his ear tubes redone.  He also had to get his adenoids taken out.  He did pretty well, but it wasn't my favorite week in August.  Thats for sure. 

 I didn't know where else to put this one but our neighbor is amazing and made the most spectacular Red Neck Waterslide that I have ever seen . I have only ever seen two, but I still believe that this is epic.  Ben loved it.  Martin loved it.  I even loved it.  How fun.
 OK, our summer Wisconsin vacation commenced with Packers Family Night.  Ben remembered going last year and was really excited to go to Lambeau which really made me ecstatic.  Jimmy liked to hit things with his sound stick.
 Jodi got us the tickets so we crashed her family party. 
 See, Jimmy hits.
 An old lady in a cart came by and Josh couldn't say no.  The unrivaled crochet beer can hat.
 We stayed the night in Suamico and poor Gryff was banished indoors when we eat.
 Then we headed up to Townsend to relax for a week of fun in the sun.  Or so we thought. The first night was pretty epic. 

 I mean. Come on. 
 The weather took a turn for the worse so we needed to find other things to do as a week of leisure on the water wouldn't have been too nice.  We treked back to GB and hit up a children's museum.  They know how to serve up fun for a three year old.  Legos, water tables and firetrucks. 
 Oh and a slide/climber system of the digestive track that farts you out the rectum on the other end. 
 Another day we opted to take the steam train in Laona as the kids like trains and I heard there was a petting zoo. 


 Ben got to load the train Polar Express style and Jimmy got to pull the horn.  They loved it.  I loved the wagon ride of slanted information about the benefits of logging on the egosystem. 

 Just to be clear, I didn't tell them to do this.

 Finally the following weekend the weather improved, Saaron made their way up to hang out with us. 
 Our neighbors Bob and Jane made it up and took us out on their Pontoon boat.
 Bob even let Ben drive.   I felt safe, like my driver was really aware of his surroundings. 
When I picture being a kid I picture sitting on the sand beach up there or on the dock fishing.  I love that my mom and dad still have that place so my boys can make memories there. 

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