Thursday, May 8, 2014

Benjamin has officially incorporated swears into his diction.

Ben is fully in his "Emporer" stage as my mom likes to describe it.  The world completely revolves around him, he is not shy to tell you either.  Sit there, or don't sit there, don't say good morning or peel the banana or the world is over.  He loves to command or freak out if you didn't read his mind for what he wanted.
We have been borrowing Nana's van for the last month as we were going to have two sets of visitors and wanted to have everyone in the same car.  The van has a DVD player.  Ben has become accustomed to watching movies while traveling and wants to finish watching them.  While back in Clintonville we were running errands and pulled back into the driveway as we were done.  Ben is sitting in the back seat yelling "Don't stop, I watch Monsters Inc.  Don't go to Nana's house.  NOOOOOOOOOOOO"  We put the van in park and begin to hear from the back seat and roll down the window to talk to Sarah when we hear a string of "Goddammit" from the car seat in the back.  Ben effectively communicated his frustration with swear words.  Great.
I make eye contact with Sarah whose eyes are as big as saucers and we are both trying our darndest to not laugh or give him any feedback to not encourage it but it was HILARIOUS.  I think I managed to get a "Ben!  We don't say that."

At dinner that night we were talking about it and trying to dole out blame on who says that.  Aaron effectively placed blame when he said that he was surprised Ben didn't add a Becky after the phrase.

When he isn't swearing he reads.

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