Thursday, May 8, 2014

Farewell to Lt. Col James E. Carberry, the best Poppop and storyteller I have ever known.

Monday morning April 28 I got a facetime call from Sarah, unusually early with Mom on the other side with her hair undone and dressed.  Not good.  Bad news.  Poppop was gone.

Poppop lived a life so rich with experience that many people who have done half the things he did have had movies made of their storied lives.  He fell in love with the girl down the street, wanted to fly planes so did - in three different wars, was retired as long as I was alive, made friends with big boats and fun farms and was the true patriarch in the Carberry family.  Dementia is not a good thing and Poppop really held it at bay for a long time, he and Nana moved to Clintonville 8 years ago and he went on his daily walks and wore his plaid pants until very recently.  He was loved by all of us and we are going to miss him very much.  I am eternally greatful that both boys got to meet him, I hope that Ben holds on to his memories that he has of him.  Jimmy will not know, but I can tell him good stories about his name sake.
This is my very last picture of Poppop.  Little germ factory sitting right on his lap.

Here is a four generation shot from Christmas.
Ben helping Poppop order food from Sarah's rehearsal dinner.
Ben keeping Poppop company during the rehearsal.
Yeah, not a great picture but we are all spiffy.
From my wedding in Sturbridge in 2009.
Right after they moved to Clintonville, watching the Fireman's parade.
Christmas 2011 with baby Gryff.
Meeting Ben for the first time over Thanksgiving 2011.

Christmas in Clintonville.
Sitting on the porch up in Townsend in 2008.
There are so many better pictures but this is all I have digitally at my house - I am going to have to get Nana on a scanning kick to get some of the great ones we had on display for his memorial digitized so I can have copies.

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