Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jimmy's Half Birthday

Well, it has been six months folks.  Even faster than Ben's first six months.  They really aren't kidding that it flies by. He is sitting up completely now, when on his belly he goes into downward facing dog, he LOVES to bounce in his Jumparoo, he love his brother.  He watches Ben like a hawk and cracks up whenever Ben laughs or is naughty (which then encourages Ben to continue. . . )  He loves to go for walks and sleeps like an angel in the car when moving.  His sleep is not so great currently and I think he is working on getting some teeth.  He bites when nursing and laughs hard when I yell at him for it.  Not quite working how I planned.  He now bites me for fun because he laughs at my reaction.  Uh oh.

The best part is that he can eat food now.  I was being stubborn and making him wait until 6 months, however I caved a week and a half shy because he just went nuts at dinner time (or lunch, or breakfast or snack, whatever.) He has superhuman strength when it comes to reaching for plates or forks and you literally have to pry his fingers open to get him to release.  However, food didn't initially go over as well as expected.  We started with carrots.
I can read his mind "This crap, you guys are eating spaghetti and I get this!  Give me the garlic bread" is really what he was thinking.
Prunes and bananas have gone over much better. . .

We love you little chub chub.

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