Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easter 2014

Special occasions are so much more fun now that Ben can interact with us - we get him all amped up about the next day about the Leprechauns or birthdays or Easter Bunny or Santa or half birthday and he goes nuts.  Easter was no disappointment.  I had fun doing Easter baskets for the first time, both baskets were made by Nana which I think is rather special.  There is a major size disparity though which will have to be rectified when that sort of thing matters.
Before Ben woke up I had fun dressing Jimmy up in the little bunny/dog outfit that Nana had gotten Ben when he was little.

Ben was enamored with his basket and pulled out each and every object to evaluate his loot.
And tired to feed a decorative chicken a jelly bean.
Jimmy was content to gnaw at his basket.  He had eggs that I had put magnets or other random household objects in that would make a rattle sound.
I attempted to get one of the both of them but it is getting harder and harder to get Ben to face the camera.
While the Abus were at church we hunted for eggs in the yard.

For cuteness sake here is a comparison of Ben and Jimmy in the suit - for the record Ben is about one month older than Jimmy in the pictures.

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